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【Diary in Hong Kong: "I made Takoyaki!!"】


現在香港に住んでいますが、大阪出身です。 Currently, i'm living in Hong Kong with my HK husband, but I'm a Japanese and come from Osaka.

大阪人は一家に一台たこ焼き器があると言いますが、 People say Osaka people have Takoyaki Maker at each home

香港でも実践しています(笑) I'm doing that here in Hong Kong as well lol

今回は手順に沿って日本語と英語で書いてみましたので、 So, i wrote how to make Takoyaki in Japanese and English step by step,

語学の勉強をしながら楽しく読んで見てください☆彡 Hope you can enjoy it during reading and studying.


1. タネを流しいれたあと、小さく切ったタコを入れます。 After pouring liquid mixture, put small size octopus in it.

2.刻んだネギを散らし Sprinkle chopped spring onion

3. 紅ショウガを加えます Add red ginger.

4.そして次に天かすもふりかけます Next, sprinkle Tenkasu (bits of fried tempura batter) as well.

5.ひっくり返すの始める前に、穴のまわりにはみ出たタネを、なるべく穴の中に突っ込んでいくことが大事です。 Before turning Takoyaki, it's important to try to put the mixture on the edge of each circle into the hole as much as you can.

6. 鉄板の中心部の方が焼けやすいので、そこからひっくり返し始めます。半分だけ返すのがポイント The center of pan is more easy to burn, so start flipping from there. Trick is you have to turn just half of it.

全部すると、こんな感じ(笑) After you do all the part, looks like this lol

7. そして焼き目がついたら、残りの半分も最後まで返します。(丸い形を作って) Then after the bottom part got grilled color enough, turn another half of it to make it round shape.

8.全部するこんな感じです。キレイ♡ You'll see like this when you done all. So beautiful, isn't it?

9. お皿に持って、ソースとマヨネーズをかけ、仕上げに青のりとかつお節を振って食べます Put them on the plate, put Takoyaki sauce and Mayo, sprinkle Aonori(Green dried seaweed flake) and Katsuobushi(Dried bonito flake) for the final touch, and it's ready to serve!

10. 番外編で、チーズやお餅、キムチを入れても美味しいですよ! For special version, add some cheese, rice cake, korean Kimuchi, also make the taste good!!



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