【English Diary】番外編③(Recommendation: Restaurant)
ベトナム・ダナンのおすすめをご紹介します! 1つ目はレストランで、ローカルの海鮮料理で有名な「Be Man」
ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Ok guys. I'm already back to HK, but still so much things to share. So I think i'll just keep going what I experienced in Viet Nam.
First thing i want to share is a restaurant called "Be Man" As you can see from the photos, it's a local sea food restaurant which so many tourists and local Vietnamese people come to taste every day. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー What is good thing about Viet Nam is everything soooo cheap. Even we eat a lot, our bill would be very very reasonable.
Sea food is so fresh. Seasoning may be something special for Japanese people, such as lemongrass/ Chili/ Sour/ Sweet combination.
This place is not tidy, it's crowded, busy, and noisy with sea food smell. Go there in casual clothes and enjoy! (^▽^)/ 【Be Man 詳細ページ】 https://xn--eckp3dubc0wo38r9kyf.com/local-restaurant-be_man