【English Diary】番外編⑥(Hoi An)

So, on the way to Hoi An, along the road, you can see this beautiful beach and palm trees. How comfortable scenery is that?

After we arrived Hoi An, look at this beautiful lovely yellow wall houses.
A whole town has a very nice nostalgic mood. Small goods, local vibe clothes and bags, cozy bar&restaurant&cafe. it was very peaceful place.

There is a river in the middle of the town. You can see lots of tourists from western countries, Japan, and especially from Korea.

In the evening, it turns this beautiful romantic mood.
Before it gets dark & the festival starts, you can enjoy nice chilling walk along the river. 夕方になると、こんなふうにとってもキレイでロマンティックな雰囲気になります。

This is the view from 2nd floor of the restaurant we've been. Most of the restaurants & bars along the river, they have this terrace counter space to enjoy this scenery with lantern. これは私たちが行ったレストランの2階からの景色。川沿いのレストランやバーのほとんどは、こうやってカウンターのあるテラススペースがあるんです。ランタンの景色を楽しむためですね。

And this is the lantern in Hoi An. What a beautiful color!! People came to take pictures in front of this so much.
そしてこちらがそのホイアンのランタンです。なんて綺麗な色! この前で、みんなたくさん写真を撮っていました