
If you are new face in the office, there would be more scenes that you have to confirm about something to answer someone's question in work.
In that case, you cannot leave people over the phone hanging for a long time like the picture above,
you have to be aware of
①誰かに聞いてすぐ答えられるのか →繋いだままでも大丈夫
Whether you can ask someone and get back soon It's ok to hold
②時間がかかりそう →折り返しにしましょう
Seems it takes time to confirm the details Let's call them back
if you don't finish the call and are still holding it like ①,
you are keeping someone waiting, so there are 2 phrases you should remember to say;
1. 確認いたしますので、少々お待ちください
I need to check about it, could you wait for a moment?
2. 大変お待たせいたしました。確認したところ…
Sorry to keep you waiting, i confirmed that ...
NOTE: The time you can keep them waiting would be only around 1 minute.
if you think it takes more time, it's better not to feel rush and make a mess,
but to call them back later, calm down, and confirm properly.